Spotify Music Clone

Built on

  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Typescript

Search for Artists and stream music on your iphone device

Getting Started

Test on your device via install or use the Expo go app

A clone of Spotify build with React Native and Expo. Motivation behind it was the UI the Spotify team build. The background video that veered away from traditional music players album covers. Approach at first was to recreate the music player. Utilizing tools like React Native Reanimated made recreating the UI easier to achieve. For music, Downloaded mp3 files. As for the background videos, went with Apple's quicktime player to record pre-cut sized music video from youtube.

Tech Stack

Tools used that helped make this app



React Native



Sadly no plug and play. The following are required use the app

For better performace the app performs well on an actual device but to help make the process quick the app was published with Expo. This way it lacks a little in performace because of the way Expo works but it is quicker to get up and running.